Smart – Gadget OpenCart Template

Smart – Gadget OpenCart Template

Smart – Gadget OpenCart Template



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Additional services :

Creation of a turnkey website based on a template
Installation and adaptation
Setup solution
Setup template
SKU: 3000000016176 Categories: ,


Short description:

Accessories of style and status need an appropriate surrounding. A company that sells smartwatches and other stylish accessories have to keep in mind the design of its website. Smart OpenCart template was created to underline the coolness of products, so it will fit perfectly for your gadget online store. Its design is perfect – big attractive slider, dark stylish background, a handful of animation effects. The template has everything necessary to make the shopping process pleasant for customers. The categories are well-thought-out, which makes the navigation much easier. Comparison tool and the wish list help to decide what product suits the customer better. This theme will make your business profitable.

This Electronics News OpenCart design template is Responsive

What is it?

This is basically the ability of the page layout to transform depending on the width of the screen.

Why is it Good?

It is good considering that the website is available for more users from the vast number of gadgets.

Find fresh Responsive OpenCart designs here

This Internet OpenCart design theme is Retina Ready

What is it?

It’s a online concept that can handle high-quality photo clarity with increased pixel density.

Why is it Good?

Retina screens are used on Apple devices. So in case a big amount of your website’s traffic comes from MacBook and iPhone users (which is highly probable) it’s better for you to choose a retina-ready theme and provide your website audience with the best user experience.

Find latest Retina Ready OpenCart design templates here

This is a Bootstrap Electronics Components OpenCart design theme

What is it?

It is the most favored HTML and CSS based framework which contain designs for the main components found in the HTML coding.

Why is it Good?

Bootstrap scales any of your web projects from smartphones to desktop computers employing the same codebase. It makes the web developing process much easier.

Find latest Bootstrap OpenCart templates here

Service Description Price
Installation and adaptation Installation and adaptation solution from $50

Service Description Price
Website creation Creation of a turnkey website based on a template from $500