-Sort and differentiate the blocks on the main page as you wish with the drag and drop method.
-Advertising areas have been created on each homepage and you can receive advertisements from your business partners as you wish.
-All sections of your site in the desktop version have been configured to correspond to the mobile version.
-10 different homepages have been created with various color combinations and designs.
-Multipurpose Vertical Scroller JT1 Pro (Save $9.99) included.
-Multipurpose Headline JT2 Pro (Save $9.99) included.
-SP Page Builder Pro Integration.
-Currency rate, Weather, Daily Horoscope, Social channels, Spotify list
-10 unique Home Pages
-Image gallery, Instagram gallery, Portfolio gallery, Video gallery, Flickr Gallery
-8 different category layouts
-3 different author layouts
-Advertising areas in various positions on all homepages