Charitee Fundraising WordPress Theme is for raising funds for donations and charity. We have added Three Different home pages for charitee theme. Also added Causes causes single and event single page. Two different blog styles three columns and two columns with a sidebar exclusive blog single page. The most popular page builder Elementor has been used to develop the charitee WordPress theme. If anyone is going to build a charity fundraising donation website then Charitee wp theme will be the best choice for them.
All images are optimized properly for the theme. Our charitee theme is SEO friendly and all device responsive. Charitee is the best fundraising theme in the marketplace. Bootstrap’s latest version has been used, css3 and other latest technology have been used for charitee theme.
Easy powerful and most popular Elemenor page builder has been used for charitee wp theme. user does not need to know coding to use charitee theme. the theme is totally dragged and dropped so everybody can use and maintain the theme. All the necessary pages and features have been added to this theme.
1. 100% SEO Friendly.
2. Elementor Page Builder Used.
3. Give WP Plugin used for donation.
4. Contact form 7 has been used.
5. Awesome layout.
6. Latest design tool used.
7. Fontawesome Icon used.
8. W3Validate coding